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How to authorization into Sigma MultiDRM system.

To create http request to call to Sigma MultiDRM system. Our system require user must be authenticated. This section will guide some method which are supported by our system.

1. Sigma MultiDRM system support some authorization method.

  • Authorization use token:
    • Header: x-access-token
    • Value: Accesstoken in topic 2.1
  • Authorization use basic auth:
    • Header: Authorization
    • Value: Basic + Base64(Token)
    • Token: {MerchantID}:{SigmaCredentital}
    • Trong đó:
      • MerchantID: Contact to merchant admin to get this information.
      • Sigma Credential: Topic 2.2.

2. How to get authorization information.

2.1. Using API.

  • Response:

    uidStringUser ID
    accessTokenStringToken to use in api

2.2. Using Sigma Credential

Currently, this method only support for export data and ingest asset. Contact merchant admin to create Sigma Credential.