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Customer rights token ​

1. Introduction ​

Customer rights token (CRT) allows the Merchant to determine the rights granted to users with the license.

The customer rights token is a central token provided by the merchant for each license request. It gives the merchant control over of license delivery process.

  • If the Customer rights token is not configured, the system will retrieve asset configuration information on the dashboard.
  • If the Customer rights token is configured incorrectly, the user will not be able to get the license.
  • CRT can be configured in Authorization with JWT or Callback

2. CRT structure ​

The following is a description of the fields in the customer rights token

FieldData typeDescription
allowRootNumberAllow the root machine to run or not.
0: allow
1: disallow
hdcpLevelStringLimited HDCP version support:
1. Disable HDCP
2. HDCP v1.x
3. HDCP v2.0
4. HDCP v2.1
5. HDCP v2.2
6. HDCP v2.3
keyExpireTimeNumberThe number of minutes limit of the license (>= 0 vĂ  <= 71582788)
playDurationNumberTotal time a video or content was played
1: Widevine Security Level (L3)
2, 3: Widevine Security Level (L2)
4: Widevine Security Level (L1)
Play Ready:
1: < 150
2, 3: >= 150 and < 3000
4: >= 3000
storeLicenseBooleanStore license to play videos offline
true: storage
false: non storage
storeLicenseTimeNumberNumber of minutes of license storage to play videos offline (>= 0 and <= 71582788)